Be Your community partner when it matters most

While providing you with the best experience along the way


Benefits up to $15000 now more later

3500+ members

Best average total cost of membership/year

More transparency and accountability

Best membership experience

Additional services as we grow


For more transparency and accountability

SOBATAM strive to provide the highest level of transparency and accountability. It empowers its members to be the agents of change.

Members Empowerment

Your are the ultimate authority through your delegates at the General Assembly.
  • Bylaws and internal rules are available to you on the website and on demand.
  • You approve and amend the bylaws and internals rules
  • You vote the budget and control its execution
  • You have a greater voice. The number of your delegates increases with your group size
  • As a member of the SOBATAM Pool, you represent or are represented by your fellow Pool members.

Accountable Leadership

  • The executive Bureau is accountable to you.
  • You elect and can dismiss the Executive Bureau
  • You review its work

Financial Transparency

We know that financial transparency is of utmost importance to you.
  • No fund accumulated in SOBATAM bank accounts
  • Monthly bank statements and financial dashboards available to Group delegates
  • Detailed financial report provided at the GA and available through the member portal

Dashboard and statistics

A wealth of information and statistics are provided so that you can make informed decisions.
  • Date the deceases became members and their groups
  • Total number of members and groups
  • Statistics about death events including percentages based on membership length: <= 6 months, <= 12 months; <= 3 years; etc.

For a Better Membership Experience

Our overriding mission is to provide you with the best membership experience in a sustainable way.

Flexible - Open to people of Cameroonian descent in the USA and Canada

All people of Cameroonian descent and their immediate relatives (spouse/life partner, children, stepchildren, father, mother) living in North America (USA or Canada) can join regardless of their current citizenship.
3 types of memberships:
  • SOBATAM Groups: for associations, families or other entities with 8 people or more.
  • SOBATAM Pool for families: For families or small groups (2 to 7 individuals).
  • SOBATAM Pool: for individuals.

As your life circumstances change, you can change your membership type any time.

Portable - You can keep it if you move outside NA

You keep your membership when you travel outside North America ( up to 6 months) or if you move permanently outside North America after being a member in good standing for 4 years.

Affordable - Best in class average monthly cost

We have the best in class 12 months average monthly cost. $10 vs. $18 (other networks)
  • One-time registration fees of $50 for a group regardless of its size.
  • One-time registration fees of $15 for an individual joining the SOBATAM Pool or SOBATAM Pool for families.
  • We leverage technologies to maintain operating expenses low (less than $5/year/member even lesser as the network grows).
  • We strive to attract a diversified membership population including all generations of our families.

Always on (24x7 Access)

  • You can manage your membership and all your transactions anytime online or by email.
  • SOBATAM provides the reliability and robustness of a large network spanning the USA and Canada.

Bylaws and Internal Rules Highlights

What you need to know at a glance

Details in our Bylaws and Internal Rules (IR)

Let's grow together

Refer us opportunities to promote SOBATAM in your community

Help us reach out more communities which can benefit by joining SOBATAM.  Refer us any opportunity to promote SOBATAM in your family, group, association or at any community event you are aware of.


    One Strong Community For A Dignified Send Off

    SOBATAM, is a community solidarity fund that was created for the purpose of empowering the Cameroonian community in North America (USA and Canada), with the necessary means to say goodbye with dignity to our deceased brothers and sisters. The objectives of SOBATAM are to:

    Take it with you

    You can download in PDFformat the following documents to know more about SOBATAM:   SOBATAM one page summary flyer, SOBATAM 4 key differentiators flyer, how SOBATAM can help individuals and groups brochure and many other flyers.